Kotlin constructor
Kotlin constructor

kotlin constructor

Think of it as if the super class contained a private field, you would have to initialise it before you can use it. The main builder initializes the class while using the secondary builder to initialize the class and add some additional logic. There are two types of constructors in Kotlin: Primary Constructor. Whenever we create an object of a class, the constructor is automatically called. The constructor is called itself at the time of object creation. It can be considered as a special function. A Kotlin class can have a limit of one main constructor, and one or more secondary builders. A constructor is used to initialize the class properties when a class object is created. Secondary Constructor: It allows you to put additional initialization logic. This primary constructor has two properties: name and roll. There are two types of Constructor: Primary Constructor: It is a concise way to initialize a class. Here, (val name: String, var roll: Int), is the primary Constructor.

kotlin constructor

During the initialization of an instance, Kotlin executes the initializer blocks and. To overcome this limitation, we can put initialization logic inside init blocks and property initializers, as we did in the above example.


The code with a post-call to a constructor cannot exist on JVM since you MUST call super(.) before you do anything with the class itself. In Kotlin language, the Constructor is declared with the class header, unlike Java, where you have to declare the Constructor in the class body. As opposed to secondary constructors, the primary constructor can’t contain any code. It takes a single argument, which should be another instance of the. Let me show you an example final class LoadingButton: LinearLayout, init) The copy constructor is a special constructor for creating a new object from another object. In Kotlin, when a class has multiple constructors how can we call the designated (coming from iOS world I could not find a better name) constructor from within another constructor.

Kotlin constructor