#Vtne study tips free
You're of course going to need to study a ton to nail the test, but there are a lot of tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your study time and we've packaged those up in a free guide. The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for the VTNE
#Vtne study tips download
Download our free guide for more information about these subscriptions which includes more study tips and how you can use our subscriptions to be adequately prepared. VetTechPrep offers 45, 60, and 90 day study programs.Your mind will be sharper and able to learn more if you are getting enough rest and pacing yourself appropriately. Don't forget about self care and good sleep during the few months before your exam.It also has PowerPages, which are condensed notes on specific topics with important points in bold. VetTechPrep is great because it simulates what the computer questions will be like on the VTNE and offers timed exams. Make notecards, quiz yourself with a friend, etc.

Just find ways of studying that are a combination of these. I read that you remember approximately 10 percent of what you read, you remember approximately 20 percent of what you hear, you remember approximately 30 percent of what you see, you remember approximately 50 percent of what you hear and see together, you remember approximately 70 percent of what you say (if you think as you are saying it), you remember approximately 90 percent of what you do.Practice deep breathing exercises before, during, and after study time. We are much more motivated when we have something to work for. Think of something you really want- and when you attain that goal during study, reward yourself. If you have a schedule, and you are supposed to study for an hour a 1pm, you will be more likely to stick to it when you see it on the schedule and are checking it daily. It is easy to procrastinate studying, "I'll just do it tomorrow and do twice as much." But that won't work in the long run. Schedule time for studying in a way that works best for you and your life schedule, whether several shorter sessions throughout the day, or a couple of hours in the evening, etc. Help your time management by creating a master study schedule and stick to it.Start planning NOW, at least 2-3 months in advance and set aside some time each day to study. This will cause way too much stress and you will be overwhelmed. Do not wait until the last minute to study.This will help you to remember them so you can actually apply that knowledge to questions on your exam. So if you like to study via books, make sure to take notes on important points as you read and really think about them, trying to apply them to a clinical setting in your mind.

If you are just reading book after book, there is a good chance your brain will not retain some of the most important points.